The Plot

Blue Glass farm is a labor of love. A vision of a new type of agriculture. We have tried to take the advice of some of the brightest minds in agriculture, to stand on their shoulders, and launch our hat into the ring. We farm boldly. Even amongst small organic farms, our operation feels a bit unorthodox.

We would love to be able to say that we are doing something huge here -- that we are changing the world -- but we're not. We are a quarter acre piece of a massive agricultural system, but that doesn't mean that what we do isn't important. Just like our plants, we believe that abundance can start from the tiniest of seeds. There is bold intention to the way we farm and hopefully it becomes something bigger. We hope our tiny seeds turns into a massive tree. We hope that tree becomes the heart of a forest.

The People

We met for the first time at a middle school dance in Chewelah, WA. We dated in high school then went our separate ways to see the world. We found our way back to each other and built a life together.

Alex was always interested in agriculture, but Tyler was a slow convert. Now we farm. We farm a lot. Sometimes it feels like all we do is farm, but thankfully it's a lot of fun.

The Produce

First and foremost we grow produce that we love and are proud of. We grew up eating amazing fruits and veggies fresh from the garden and strive to achieve those bursts of summer freshness in everything we grow.

We grow a balance of new unique varieties of produce that people already know and love and sprinkle in a mix of true novelties like jelly melons and huauzontle.

The Plan

We started this farm because we saw a better way to farm where every party involved came out better. Our methods look decidedly old-school due to the lack of heavy machinery but through careful design, ingenuity, and modern tools we are able to produce abundant produce at a fair price, on a small footprint, while showing the utmost respect for the natural resources we care for.

We use almost no fossil fuels on the farm, we follow all of the standards required of organic farms, and we use "no dig" practices that create great produce while maintaining the quality of our land for future generations.